Monday, December 25, 2006

FBI Considered "It's A Wonderful Life" Communist Propaganda

I guess the FBI had a lot of time on their hands, because it turns out they had a file on the movie It's a Wonderful Life.

FBI Considered "It's A Wonderful Life" Communist Propaganda | Wise Bread:

Talk about being afraid of what's hiding under the bed....

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Toys that kill

Romanticizing about a dangerous past is all too tempting in this modern, sterile, age. Maybe some of these toys which were discontinued for safety reasons might whet your appetite.

My personal favorite has to be the home Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. You know - for kids....

I'll never understand how that one didn't catch on....


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Monday, December 11, 2006

Knee deep in dung mountain

MAN TRAPPED 4 DAYS By FRANK RYAN - New York Post Online Edition: Seven

Charles Ruoff has earned the prestigious distinction of having been rescued from beneath a pile of his own dung - inside his own house. Apparently he was bagging and saving his own dung for some future use when his hobby backfired on him, trapping him in the second floor of his house.... Oh the humanity....


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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Flatulent passenger grounds flight

Flatulent passenger grounds flight | Oddly Enough |
At least they weren't about to run out of gas....


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Pictures of kids being frightened by Santa